Monday, April 7, 2008

quads of steel

My time here in albania is seriously contributing to the sculpting of my legs.  The hill to our house is a wicked incline, and let's just say that, even thought I haven't used the turkish toilet, I still do a lot of squatting.  The cleanliness of some of the bathrooms leaves a lot to be desired.  It's like the wall sits that I did during basketball season!  Two years from now, I'll have the best legs this side of the Adriatic!


Jerry said...

Sounds as if you at least have a "washing Machine". You could be having to beat them on a rock. LOL. But i must admit, there is a lot to be said about fresh clothes line dried linens. Ooops, guess i told my age there. LOL

sounds like you are having quite the adventure.


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! I so miss having you here! You crack me up so much!! I got your text...yea!!! I was actually at the "nursing home" with Milind, Sandra, and Jeri...yum! You will never believe this but Jeri was out at dinner and saw Dirk! Crazy, isn't it?! We all really miss having La La here...come visit soon and keep writing.

Love you,