Monday, August 18, 2008

I'm not Contagious

Meet my landlords new puppy.  Someone left her on my front porch a few weeks ago, but I just cannot afford to keep her.  Since Wayne ran away, I figured that my landlord Pirro might be interested in keeping her.  He was, so now the puppy has a home.

She's cute alright, but what you can't see from this pic is that she is a total mess.  I spent an afternoon bathing her and combing fleas and ticks out of her hair.  Not a problem, 'cause you can see those little suckers (ha ha, no pun intended).  The problem lies in the unseen...

Since the bath day a fews days ago, I have broken out with a rash all over my arms.  Any guesses to what it might be, or who it may be from?  RINGWORM....and yes, it's from that cute little fur ball above.  So, after a few sleepless nights from the itching, I have been prescribed athletes foot cream for the rash and a hearty dose of benedryl for the itch.  My advise to you...don't mess with the stray dogs!

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