Saturday, May 10, 2008

Cookie Disaster

Since my last baking exercise went so well, I had great confidence in making my host sister a treat from America for her birthday, May 8th.  I got all the ingredients out and went to town creating the delicious treats.  It was a surprise for her, so I wouldn't let Artemisa help me.  I got the cookie balls all rolled up and placed them in the oven.  Things were going great!  About three minutes into baking, Artemisa looks at me with a worried look.  I peak into the oven, and...DISASTER!!!!  My cookies are just melting in the oven.  I pull them out, but there is nothing that I could do at that point.  The "cookies" that I had intended to create where nothing but one big wad of cooked sugar-butter mixture.  I later realized that I need more flour, but my confidence is already shot.  It will be a while before I try my hand in the kitchen again!

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